About us

Formerly The White Label Agency, 3 Day Weekend is a full-service booking agency that is home to legendary talent.

With decades of experience in nightlife and hospitality, we’ve mastered the art of a good time, all while putting relationships first and tequila shots second. Our roster of artists is comprised of professional party starters who can command any venue, from small lounges to sold-out stadiums.

No matter the size and scope of the event or venue, our goal is to create once-in-a-lifetime moments through performances you’ll never forget.

Meet the team

Justin Zotts

Justin Zotts is 3 Day Weekend’s business brain and shoulder to cry on.
He cuts deals and recruits artists, along with making sure the trains run on time and keeping everyone happy.

Originally from New York City, Justin owned his first bar at 21 and has operated venues from Manhattan and Las Vegas to Sun Valley and Park City. He ran the legendary Vegas pool party Rehab (remember him from the truTV reality show “Rehab: Party at the Hard Rock Hotel”?) and co-created Hard Rock Hotel San Diego’s Intervention party before forming The White Label Agency in 2014. In 2021, Justin joined forces with Matt Miera to relaunch The White Label Agency as 3 Day Weekend. He’s definitely seen some things but will probably never tell you about them (okay, maybe one or two things).

Justin’s perfect 3 day weekend is spent in Cabo napping, sipping tequila by a pool, and eating delicious dinners with his family and friends.

Matt Miera

Matt Miera is 3 Day Weekend’s chief strategist and creative eye.
He cultivates partnerships and brokers collaborations, along with connecting like-minds and keeping the ideas flowing.

As the tour and production manager for world-renowned DJs Kaskade and Vice, Matt has conquered Coachella and EDC and knows his way around a merch deal. He’s been the right hand to NBA players and has honed his skills in customer service while working in hospitality for over a decade.

Matt’s perfect 3 day weekend is spent in a cabin by a lake with his wife and kids.